The country, which is washed from the south by the Arabian Sea, has an ambiguous reputation. However, it is trying to develop foreign trade processes. In particular, it exports a lot of clothing and textiles. Ally Logistic Forwarding Company has repeatedly carried out cargo transportation (import/export) to/from Pakistan.
Therefore, we can offer you the shipping services in this direction.
For transportation we have:
- More than 8 thousand vehicles: trucks of different tonnage, clothes carriers, trawls, refrigerators, isotherms, etc.;
- We have access to the other modes of transport – sea, rail, air. This allows us to deliver cargo to any point on the map.
Besides, we provide additional services for customs clearance, warehouse storage, insurance etc. at affordable price.

partner vehicles in the company's fleet

More than 15
years of successful work in the transportation market

types of cargo (including hazardous ones)